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Welcome to the Nitty Gritty's reservation request system. If you are interested in one of our private spaces or have a group larger than 20, please call the restaurant directly to get more information. For all other reservation requests, please use the form below to get started. 

Please note that there are times when we CANNOT accept reservations.

Please make sure you select the correct location for your reservation:

Madison (223 N Frances St. Madison, WI 53703) - 608-251-2521
Middleton (1021 N Gammon Rd. Middleton, WI 53562) - 608-833-6489
Sun Prairie (315 E Linnerud Dr. Sun Prairie, WI 53590) - 608-837-4999

  • Reservations ARE NOT confirmed until you have received a call or email back from a manager at the Nitty Gritty and must be made at least 24 hours in advance. If you would like to make a reservation for a time less than 24 hours from now, please call the restaurant directly.
  • Please be advised that due to certain events, there may be days and times when we CANNOT  take reservations. For instance, we DO NOT take reservations, at the Madison location, before or after Kohl Center events or on Badger Football Saturdays.
Please check errors in the form above
Thank you for submitting a reservation request! Reservations are NOT confirmed unti you receive a call or email from a manager at the Nitty Gritty.